Sunday, 28 November 2010

Film Synopsis Comment

Jamie has written up the film synopsis here!

Before coming up with idea for our thriller we had researched into some thriller conventions, some of which we based our thriller around: 
  • Isolation
  • Bars
  • Colour representation (Red = danger, blood. Black = evil, bad. White = innocence, good.)
  • Certain camera angles to achieve desired effects e.g. show emotion, vulnerability, power (low angle, high angle, close up ect.)
  • Transitions (quick cuts from scene to scene)

We also watched and analysed some thriller film openings from which we gathered a few ideas:

Book of Eli:
We liked the idea of the gas mask as it hides the character face from the audience leaving them to wonder who they are and why they are wearing the mask, meaning can be added to the mask like we did see my mask post here. We also liked how the use of the forest could represent bars and give a feel of isolation and being trapped.

In the opening of brick you see a girl putting a note into someone's locker. We thought we would have a locker for our main character "Dylan" to have his stuff he wears when he's asleep but when he's awake he doesn't have the key. The locker would be seen as a way of hiding things from the audience.

View more documents from mediadanieljones.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very useful post Dan. I like the way you tie everything together in terms of your own production and those which have influenced it.
