Sunday, 28 November 2010

Storyboard Comment

Links to both parts of the storyboard:
Part 1
Part 2

Shot types we will be using in our thriller: 
  • Close Up: we will use this shot when the victim is running away from the killer as it focuses on emotion, in our case the victim being scared. 
  • Long Shot: Once again used when the victim is running away from the killer, this shows how alone and isolated the victim is. This shot incorporates thriller conventions: isolation and bars (as victim will be running through a wood + maize)
  • Low Angle Shot: When our victims is against the tree and unaware of the killer above her in the tree. This shot will show how vulnerable the victim is to the killer. 
  • POV: We will use this shot when our main character wakes up so the audience see things as he would. Giving the effect of the audience being "Dylan". 

From studying other thrillers it is apparent that a thriller convention is to have sharp cuts from one scene to the next when a lot of action is occurring. As our opening is of our victim running away from the killer we will have quick cuts from scene to scene until the action dies down when our killer wakes up unknowing that his dream is real, then we will include fades which will show time passing when Dylan does different things which the audience can assume there has been a gap in time from each thing.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you have considered existing examples in your choice of transitions.
