Thursday, 18 November 2010

Feedback Session

We have made a rough cut of our opening and have decided to have a feedback session on Thursday 25th November. We will invite people to come to the screening session who tall into our target audience of 15+ but generally more around 15-19. We will hand out a questionnaire (shown below) for the people to fill in and analyse the results and adapt our opening to our target audience. We have also posted our thriller opening to youtube and linked it in forums asking people for feedback.

Thriller Name
We brain stormed a few name ideas and came up with: The Killer Inside, Beneath the Killer, Killer Personality It's Only Skin Deep. We have not decided on a final idea so we will ask the feedback audience what they would call the film and incorporate the idea into a name or see which is closest to our ideas.


  1. It would have been useful to explain what feedback you got, and whether it altered any of your ideas/intentions.

  2. p.s. this should be 'audience research'
