The age of our audience is important because different ages have different tastes and preferences of movies, specifically thrillers. We have learnt from our data that our audience is predominantly aged 15-17. This matches to our thriller as this is our intended target audience.
Favourite genre of film:
We asked this question to establish a link between age groups and what films they enjoy. From this we can learn if our target audience enjoys thriller films or not. From learning the most popular genres of film we can incorporate things from more popular genres, for example comedy, into our thriller movie to make it appeal to a wider audience.
How often do you watch films:
We asked this question because people who watch films more often will have more of an opinion and have a deeper insight and better knowledge. We have learnt from this data that most people watch films once a week.
Preferred method of watching films:
We asked this question to find out which method would be best to release our film on to. When filming our opening we can gear it towards cinema by using effects that work well in the cinema like sound and a bigger wider picture.
Most frightening situation:
We asked this question to find out what situation the audience would least like to be in alone. The choices were from city, house, forest, town or village and other. We learnt that being alone in a forest at night is the location that people would least like to be in (85% of vote) followed by a city (15% of vote). We can apply this knowledge to our planning and set our opening in the most scary location so that viewers can relate to the fear
experienced by the actor.
Most frightening weapon:
We asked this question to find out what weapon the audience would find most frightening to be threatened with. From our results we can conclude that knives are more frightening (45% of people said this). This was followed by the hatchet (30%), gun (15%) and heavy metal chain (10%). From this information we can conclude that the audience feels much more threatened by sharp objects. This is important because the killer in our production needs to be able to strike fear into the audience, one of the main ways of him doing this is by killing people with a menacing weapon. We can apply this to our planning by equipping our villain with sharp weapons.
Excellent questions, Daniel. How will you use the data to inform your thriller?