From making our preliminary task video it’s not only been a process of learning but it has also been a refreshment of previously obtained skills from doing GCSE media. As I am very familiar with using Windows as a platform, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe premier Pro and various other editing softwares available to Windows moving onto the iMacs is a whole different experience. Some aspects are the same e.g. transferring footage from the camera to the iMac using a firewire, but others are very different such as layout of the iMac and software available. We used iMovie for editing our preliminary task and was quite similar to Windows Movie Maker so it wasn’t to hard to get to grips with, Adding music to our video from Garage band was pretty straight forward as well. I have also learnt how to use the 180 degree rule.
The skills I have used during the making of the preliminary task which I had already had experiences of are: the use of the digital cameras, the importance of using tripods for a steady shot, various camera angles, various shot types.
You have progressed well from BTEC to AS Dan.