Monday, 20 September 2010



Composition is the make up of a shot. This involves where items are placed in the shot, what type of camera angle is used and what kind of movement the shot is undertaking i.e. pan, track, zoom. Composition is used to create the producers desired effect on the audience for example if you wanted to make the audience seem vulnerable to an on screen character a low angle shot would be used.


Editing is basically gathering all of your clips you have decided to use, placing them in in the correct order and adding in transitions and other effects to gain your desired effect you wish your film to have on your audience.


Sound is very important when trying to create an atmosphere or provoke a desired response from your audience.
  • Diegetic Sound - Sound which the characters can hear i.e. voices of characters, sounds made by objects, music coming from a source in the film.
  • Non-Diegetic Sound -  Sound which the characters can not hear i.e. a narrator's commentary, sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect, mood music.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Daniel. You can label this post coursework.
